Josefine Lissner and Lin Kayser
CEO and Founder
Creating the Physical Future of Humankind through Computational Engineering and Integrated Digital Manufacturing - or - From code to Aerospike"
Computational Engineering. Josefine Lissner is an aerospace engineer, with extensive experience in computational propulsion systems design. Before starting LEAP 71, she worked as Strategic Engineering Lead for software company Hyperganic, as well as the Porsche Formula E, and the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula 1 teams. Lin Kayser is a serial entrepreneur who brings 30 years of startup experience in fields as diverse as industrial automation, high-performance image processing, and software engineering to the team. In 2015 he started Hyperganic in Germany. Hyperganic invented the field of Computational Engineering and built the first software platform for engineers to encode their knowledge."
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