Dermot Brabazon
Director - Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre
Dublin City University
Digitisation of metal AM for part microstructure and property control
Prof. Dermot Brabazon is Director of the Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre at DCU, Director for the Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Metallic Systems (RoI), and Deputy-Director of I-Form, the national SFI research centre focused on the development of Advanced Manufacturing technologies. His research is focused on materials and processing technologies, including Additive Manufacturing, Near Net Shaping, and Laser Processing. In recognition of his academic achievements and contributions to development of engineering technologies, Dermot was conferred with the President’s Award for Research in 2009, appointed a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering in 2015, received Invent Commercialization awards in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2022, and the International AMPT Gold Medal in 2018 for lifetime achievements in materials processing research and education. Dermot is Editorial Board Member for the journals of Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Nanomanufacturing and Nanometrology, Metals, Materials, and Editor in Chief for the Elsevier Materials Reference Works Encyclopedia. Since 2010, Dermot has been appointed to the Board of Directors of ESAFORM (EU Material Forming Society). He has published more than 300 internationally peer reviewed papers and supervised 40 postgraduate and 30 postdoctoral researchers to project completion.
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